TranslatED Scholarship

Are you a PhD student researching in the field of eating disorders? You might be eligible for our translatED scholarships.

The Australian Eating Disorders Translational Research Centre is offering 6 Translation Scholarships worth $10 000 a year for up to 3 years (total value $30,000), for Australian PhD students undertaking translational research. PhD students with a lived experience of an eating disorder, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are encouraged to apply.

We are looking to support projects which demonstrate translational research outcomes for people with eating disorders and ideally, which are underpinned by a co-production approach. In other words, we want to support research that will directly improve outcomes for people with eating disorders and their families.

Before you apply, please make sure you have read all of the relevant information below, including the FAQ

What do we mean by translational research?

Research translation is about bridging the gap between knowledge gained through research and its application to policy and practice. There is no point conducting research if it does not ultimately (directly or indirectly) translate into changes in practice and policy to benefit human health. Translational research focuses on high impact studies that will directly impact outcomes for people with eating disorders and their loved ones.

To give you a better idea of what ‘translational research’ can look like, the following describe four stages of translational research (as defined by Sydney Health Partners).

T1 - Translation of Basic Research into Potential Clinical Application

Providing knowledge about a possible intervention (e.g., developing a new drug, testing the safety of a new drug in a small group of people (Phase 1 clinical trials)).

Examples of T1 Translation Studies:

T2 – Research Involving Efficacy Studies

About interventions that work under optimal conditions. Examples may include testing the efficacy and safety of a drug/device/intervention/policy approach in a larger group of people (Phase 2 clinical trials) or comparing the new approach with current standard practice (Phase 3 clinical trials).

Examples of T2 Translation Studies:

  • Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIa clinical trial on the effects of an estrogen-progestin combination as add-on to inpatient psychotherapy in adult female patients suffering from anorexia nervosa (full text available)
  • Efficacy of Web-Based, Guided Self-help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Enhanced for Binge Eating Disorder: Randomized Controlled Trial (abstract only)

T3 – Moving Research into the Real World

Testing a new therapy or intervention in primary care settings, hospitals and clinics, or community health centres.

Examples of T3 Translation Studies:

T4 - Assessing Public Health Benefits

Of policies and programs at the population level.

Examples of T4 Translation Studies:


Research that aims to understand the behaviour of healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, healthcare consumers and family members, and policymakers in context as key influences on the adoption, implementation and sustainability of evidence-based interventions and guidelines.

- US National Institutes of Health: Department of Health and Human Services. Dissemination and implementation research in health (R01) NIH funding opportunity: PAR-19-274. NIH grant funding opportunities; 2018.

What Does Co-Production Mean?

Co-production transcends mere inclusion in eating disorder research. It's a transformative partnership where individuals with diverse lived experiences (including individuals with various diagnoses, cultural backgrounds, co-occurring conditions, and treatment histories), researchers, caregivers, family and kin, and community members all work as equal collaborators. This collaboration encompasses both co-designed and co-created research:

  • Co-designed research: People with lived experience engage after the initial research question is formulated, contributing their expertise to refine the approach, methods, and data collection throughout the project. This ensures research addresses priorities identified by diverse lived experiences across all eating disorders.
  • Co-created research: People with lived experience and other stakeholders are involved from the very beginning, shaping the research agenda, selecting the topic, and defining the research questions themselves. This deeper collaboration ensures research is highly relevant and reflects the multifaceted realities of living with eating disorders.

This combined approach fuels research that is:

  • Rigorous and impactful: Blending lived experience with sound methodology leads to credible research with tangible benefits for individuals, families, communities, and healthcare systems.
  • Culturally competent and sensitive: Diverse perspectives inform culturally appropriate research practices, fostering trust and minimizing potential harm.
  • Meaningful and transformative: By addressing crucial issues identified by all stakeholders, the research directly contributes to better understanding, prevention, and support for individuals affected by eating disorders.

This co-production approach fosters mutual learning, empowers diverse voices, and challenges traditional power dynamics in eating disorder research. It ultimately leads to research that is truly relevant, rigorous, and impactful, making a real difference in the lives of those affected.

Application Details

Who can apply?

  • Be a PhD student who is either already enrolled in an approved research project at an Australian University, or who will be enrolled by 30 June 2024
  • Be completing your PhD by 30 June 2027
  • Be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident

You can be undertaking a PhD in any discipline as long as your research project satisfies the criteria.

PhD students with a lived experience of an eating disorder, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are encouraged to apply.

What does the application ask?

Applicants are asked to provide the following information:

  • Information about you, your PhD and your PhD supervisor
  • A description of the background and aims of your translational research project (250-500 words)
  • A description of the study design, methods and timelines (250-500 words)
  • Specific detail on how research translation is embedded within your project (100-250 words)
  • Any challenges you foresee and how you might mitigate them (100-250 words)
  • Taking a co-production approach in research requires thoughtful consideration. Please describe how you intend to do this in your project (250-500 words)
  • Specification of how the project will address current gaps in research and what you are doing that is innovative (100-250 words)
  • A description of how you intend to incorporate multidisciplinary collaborations into your work (100-250 words)
  • A description of who you aim to communicate your results to and how you will go about doing this (100-250 words)
  • A description of how your project aligns with one or more of our current 3 research and translation priorities:
    1. 1. Understanding the key risk and protective factors for the development of an eating disorder (100 words maximum)
    2. 2. Early identification and intervention for eating disorders (100 words maximum)
    3. 3. Developing individualised treatments that capture the diversity of individuals with eating disorders (100 words maximum)

How will we select the successful applicants?

Applications will be administratively screened for completion and to ensure all criterion have been met. All eligible applications will then be reviewed by a co-production panel which includes translation researchers, clinicians, and experts by lived experience.

What are the timeframes?

Applications close on the 22nd of March 2024 and successful applicants will be notified in late May of 2024 with first payments to be made in early July.

How to apply

Only applications completed through the Qualtrics link below will be accepted. You are required to upload your CV as part of this application process.

For questions about the application process, contact:

Scholarship Application


Who is eligible for this scholarship?

  • Citizenship: Student must be either an Australian citizen or a permanent resident
  • Eligible Degrees: This scholarship is specifically reserved for students who are or will be enrolled in a PhD at an Australian university
  • Enrollment Status:
    • Those currently enrolled in a PhD
    • Those who will be enrolled in a PhD before 30 June 2024
    • Students may be full time or part time, providing their PhD will be completed prior to July 2027
  • Study Discipline: There are no restrictions on which faculty/school students are enrolled through. As long as the project is investigating eating disorders and incorporates both co-production and research translation, it will be considered.
  • PhD Topic:
    • Must investigate eating disorders
    • Must include co-production in the project
    • Must include a significant research translational component to the project
  • Total Value of Translation Scholarship:
    • The maximum amount a student can receive is $30,000 over a period of three years (ending 30th June 2027)
    • Recipients will receive $10,000 per year until the 30th June 2027, paid in installments
    • Your university (the Administering Organisation) is responsible for administering the payments to you, in line with their scholarship payments approach
    • For those students who have already begun their PhD, payments will end when their PhD is submitted or as of the 30th of June 2027, whichever comes first
  • Agreement Process:
    • The University of Sydney will enter into an agreement with your university, who is the Administering Organisation
    • The Administering Organisation is responsible for ensuring compliance with the grant conditions
  • Scholarship Status:
    • Students who are already receiving a scholarship are eligible to apply for this translation scholarship
    • Students who are not already receiving a scholarship are eligible to apply
  • Reporting:
    • Students are required to provide an update to the University of Sydney on the progress of the activity as planned/outlined, at scheduled PhD reporting points

Research can transform people's lives.

The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the National Leadership in Mental Health program.

Lead Agency, InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders, is a joint venture between the Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney