Developing a robust research workforce is pivotal to sustained enquiry, new discoveries and long-term implementation of findings into practice. We want to attract the brightest minds to eating disorders research! The Workforce Research Engagement and Capacity work stream aims to build engagement, capacity and capability of the academic, clinical and lived experience researcher workforce; identify and develop clear pathways into research and translation; and build a strong, diverse and participatory national research culture.

Workstream Post Doctoral Researchers

Advisory Committee Members

Prof Tseen Khoo
Senior Lecturer in the Research Education and Development team, La Trobe University
View Profile

The Workforce Research Engagement and Capacity work stream aims to increase the number of EMCR researchers (including clinical and lived experience researchers) in national consortium organisations, identify and respond to training and support needs of the EMCR workforce, create training and support programs to develop the emerging research workforce and support competitive funding track record development. work stream aims to increase the number of EMCR researchers (including clinical and lived experience researchers) in national consortium organisations, identify and respond to training and support needs of the EMCR workforce, create training and support programs to develop the emerging research workforce and support competitive funding track record development.
Complete the Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre (AEDRTC) Eating Disorder Workforce Research Engagement and Capacity Survey.: