Research translation is about bridging the gap between knowledge gained through research and its application to policy and practice. There is no point conducting research if it does not ultimately (directly or indirectly) translate into changes in practice and policy to benefit human health.

Workstream Post Doctoral Researchers

Advisory Committee Members

Prof Christina Wierenga
Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego (UCSD)
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The Translation work stream aims to envision and facilitate the systems and processes that will pave the way for development and adoption of research findings into real-world practice. This will include the development and progression of a Translation Blueprint which will identify immediate steps to translate existing evidence-based interventions into clinical practice in mainstream health settings as well as mechanisms to ensure the ready translation of future breakthroughs.
Our translation co-leads and advisory group comprise internationally renowned experts who represent different constituencies from basic translation to service implementation, as well as researchers with lived experiences, those belonging to First Nations communities, and jurisdictional decision-makers.