Lived Experience and Co-Production

Research and research translation should be informed by the voices of those whom it affects. The AEDRTC is built on and inspired by a framework of Lived Experience & Co-Production. This core program ensures that lived experience expertise is interwoven across governance and all work streams of the Centre.

Shannon Calvert

Shannon Calvert

Lived Experience Advisor

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Genevieve Pepin

Assoc Prof Genevieve Pepin

Deakin University

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Workstream Post Doctoral Researchers
Sanna Barrand

Dr Sanna Barrand

Post-Doctoral Researcher, Deakin University

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Advisory Committee Members
Assoc Professor Michelle Banfield

Assoc Prof Michelle Banfield

Advisory Chair

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Melissa Keller-Tuberg

Melissa Keller-Tuberg

Youth Mental Health Advocate

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Vicki Tsianakas

Dr Vicki Tsianakas

King's College London

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Emma Bryant

Emma Bryant

Research Officer

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Jo Farmer

Jo Farmer

Lived Experience Consultant

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AJ Williams-Tchen

AJ Williams-Tchen

Cultural Lead, Girraway Ganyi Consultancy

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Carla Clarence

Carla Clarence

Principal Social Innovator, TACSI

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Ruth Green

Ruth Green

Lead Manager of Lived Experience Peer Cadet Program, Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV)

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Sarah Squire

Dr Sarah Squire

Head of Knowledge, Research and Policy at Butterfly Foundation.

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Jamie Neal

Jamie Neal

Lived Experience Representative and IgnitED Recipient

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Anna Rose

Anna Rose

Dietitian and Eating Disorder Clinician

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Jane Rowan

Jane Rowan

Executive Director, Eating Disorders Families Australia

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Erin Halligan

LGBTIQ+ Health Australia

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The Centre aims to set a national standard for inclusivity and diversity in research through:

  • Production of workforce development resources related to co-design and co-production that are scaffolded and include clear strategies to implement at diverse stages of research and other activities

  • Development of mechanisms for accessing Lived Experience contribution to research

  • Lived Experience researcher development

  • Advocacy for Lived Experience inclusion across all areas of research

  • Lived Experience research projects in collaborations with community-based eating disorder organisations

Our lived experience co-leads and advisory group bring diverse skills, knowledge, and expertise in the area of co-design and co-production, mental health, eating disorders, and lived experience.

Research can transform people's lives.

The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the National Leadership in Mental Health program.

Lead Agency, InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders, is a joint venture between the Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney