Prof Elizabeth Rieger
Australian National University
Prof Elizabeth Reiger has 25 years’ experience as a practicing Clinical Psychologist, having undertaken her clinical training at the University of Sydney.
The primary focus of her clinical practise has entailed working with adults experiencing eating and weight disorders in public and private hospitals, university clinics, and private practice. She has also been extensively involved in teaching clinical skills to diverse populations including students and health professionals in psychology, medicine, dietetics, nursing, and social work.
In 2001, Professor Rieger completed her PhD at the University of Sydney, the focus of which was developing an instrument to assess motivation to change in anorexia nervosa (the Anorexia Nervosa Stages of Change Questionnaire). From 2001-2, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre for Eating and Weight Disorders (University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University) where she was trained in interpersonal psychotherapy. She commenced as an academic at the University of Sydney in 2003 and the Australian National University in 2009. Her research focuses on understanding the cognitive, interpersonal, and motivational processes involved in eating and weight disorders, and their translation into more effective treatments, with Professor Rieger having conducted many clinical trials. She is a member of the Eating Disorders Research Society, the Australia and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders, the College of Clinical Psychologists of the Australian Psychological Society, and the Australian Clinical Psychology Association.