Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
13 March 2024
On the second Wednesday of every month at midday, the AEDRTC hosts a monthly seminar for those who conduct or are interested in eating disorders research and the translation of research into practice.
The seminar series will bring together expert researchers with diverse areas of focus to facilitate national discussions about innovation across the sector.
All recordings can be found in the 'news' section of our website, and the latest will be featured on the home page.
Do you have any questions or would you like to present your research to the network?
Contact Emma Bryant
Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre (AEDRTC) consortium partners and staff are proud to support an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.