Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
27 November 2023
At the MAGNET Scientific Meeting in November, we are offering our members the opportunity to present mental health clinical trial ideas at differing stages of development to receive feedback from our esteemed network of mental health researchers. Our network will actively contribute to enhancing your trial's design and methodology, significantly increasing your likelihood to secure funding.
Date: 28th of November 2023
Location: A hybrid SMHR conference workshop in Perth.
To learn more about MAGNET’s trial endorsement process and to apply, please visit: https://magnetctn.com/trial-endorsement/ and submit all applications via email to magnet@deakin.edu.au.
Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
Monthly, 1-hour meetings including presentations from Australian eating disorder researchers about their work with the opportunity to join a co-design discussion.
The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre (AEDRTC) consortium partners and staff are proud to support an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.